Greetings Vine Hill Elementary School Supporters!
The Parent Teacher Association at Vine Hill Elementary School in Scotts Valley is excited to be planning another successful auction, A Night in at the Movies, to be held virtually on February 20, 2021. Thanks to our generous donors and sponsors, last year’s auction raised approximately $130,000 which allowed us to keep many of our academic programs for our students for another school year and help us navigate the changing landscape during the pandemic.
Once again, our PTA is raising funds to keep our students thriving with programs such as art, music, science, computer lab and life lab. We also fund classroom academic intervention assistants, yard duty staff for 2021-2022, and vital equipment and supplies!
Investing in our auction series is a WIN-WIN for our students and YOUR business! Your donation will bring increased awareness of your business to nearly 600 Vine Hill School families thanks to our fantastic marketing team. They will provide you with maximum exposure to not only our school community, but the greater Scotts Valley community.
If you are interested in supporting this year’s auction series, please submit your donation online at or send your donations by Jan. 15, 2021 directly to the Vine Hill PTA at 151Vine Hill School Rd., Scotts Valley, CA 95066. Contact us via e-mail at:
We request that all donated certificates or tickets be valid for at least one year from our auction date (Feb 20, 2022). Gift certificates are preferred as they bring higher bids, attract more bidders and, most importantly, are the best way to get new customers into your business! Vine Hill’s Federal Tax ID is #94-6174601.
From all of us at Vine Hill Elementary School, thank you in advance for your consideration,
Cheryl Ruyle and Seana Sullivan, Auction Co-Chairs