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Student Sign Up Parties

Tie-Dye Sign up Party

Learn how to do Santa Cruz's favorite art form: Tie-dye! Bobby Ruyle, self-proclaimed tie-dye expert, will lead this experience. Each child will select their own pattern and colors and will learn how to tie-dye. One T-shirt per child will be provided, but children can bring two other items of their own choice to dye--socks, headbands, dresses, pillowcase...anything that's white can be tie-dyed! Party will be held outside in Scotts Valley. All current COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Santa Cruz County Health Department will be followed.

Date: June 10th 11am- 3pm

Ticket Price: $25 per person


Cookie Decorating Party

Join the very crafty and talented Vine Hill mom, Bobbie Herteman & her daughter Taylor, for an afternoon of cookie decorating! Bobbie will provide Spring inspired cookies & a cookie decorating kit to each guest. Join the Zoom party for easy to follow instructions that will result in some adorable cookies!

Date: April 16th at 3pm

Ticket Price: $25 per person


Succulent Terrarium Designs

Sign up to make a succulent garden with your child!
During this pandemic we have had a LOT of family time. However, it can feel like there are few opportunities for quality time with your child. Sign up for a special succulent party with your kiddo! You will get a box of supplies so you can each make a small succulent garden. We will give instructions via Zoom.

Date: April 17th 11am

Ticket Price: $40 for 2 kits Additional kits available for $15 per family


DIY Pizza Party

It's a DIY pizza party! Your kit will come with dough and toppings plus a second bake for dessert featuring cinnamon and sugar! Add a sibling for just $10. Your pizza kits will be delivered in advance of a live zoom how to hosted by the lovely Peduto family!

Date: May 22nd 4pm

Ticket Price: $25 per person add a sibling for $10


Virtual Magic Show

Come one, come all and see Harrison Cramer's 45 minute kids magic show! It combines mind-blowing illusions and mental magic with high flying object manipulation for a performance that will leave everyone, adults included, with their jaws on the floor. This event will be hosted on Zoom.

Date: May 1st 10 a.m.

Ticket Price: $30 per household

Student Sign Up Parties
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Tie-Dye Sign Up Party Sold Out
0 Remaining

DIY Pizza Party
16 Remaining

DIY Pizza Party Additional Child
13 Remaining
Registration opens: Friday, February 5, 2021

I would like to make a donation


2021 Auction Sponsors


2021 Supporting Sponsors

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